Marketplace Help
Frequently Asked Questions and Topics Marketplace
Why can't I post to the Marketplace?
What type of Listing (For Sale, Trade, Want to Buy) should I post?
How do I cancel or renew a Listing that I have posted?
Offers and Trade Offers
Transaction Management
User Feedback
Requirements to Post Listings to the Marketplace
Marketplace Beta Requirements
The Marketplace is currently in Beta Testing during the final phases of development. At this time, only Registered Users that have obtained Vintage User status or higher can post to the Marketplace. Once testing is complete, all Registered Users will be able to post to the Marketplace after a 24hr wait period.
Marketplace Listing Types
For Sale
For Sale postings are for posting items that you want to sell for a fixed price, with the option of accepting offers of either cash and/or trades. Unless you are looking for a specific item in trade, using this type of listing is ideal for selling items you have.
Want to Trade
For Trade listings are designed for cases where you want to trade one specific item for another specific item. Trading one length stem for another, etc. If you are open to a wide range of trades for your item(s), I recommend using a For Sale listing with the 'Trade Offers' option enabled.
Want To Buy
Want to Buy listings are designed to find a seller for an item that you are looking to purchase. Sellers can submit offers to your Listing if they have one for sale that fits your needs.
At this time the Auction functionality of the Marketplace has not been completed. Until such time that the traffic on the Marketplace makes an Auction format feasible, we will be putting this on the back burner.
Listing Management
Editing a Listing: You may edit a Listing at any time. The latest Edit Date will be displayed at the end of the General Information section of your listing. The Edit page can be accessed from either the Marketplace Account Listings section or from the Listing's Options menu.
Photo Management: Marketplace Photos are edited through the Photo Manager page. This page can also be accessed either through the Your Listings section of the Marketplace Account page, or from the Options menu on your Listing.
Listing Renewal: If one of your listings has not sold during its 90 day run, you may renew your posting without having to completely recreate it. Listings can be renewed starting five (5) days prior to its expiration date by Editing the Listing and checking the Renewal option at the bottom of the Edit page.
Cancel or
Close early:
If you need to close your listing without selling it through the VeloBase Marketplace, Edit the Listing and set the Status to 'Canceled'. This will remove it from the active Listings.
Enabling Offers
For Sale: For Sale Listings have the option of having Offers enabled. If Offers are Enabled, you can also optionally enable Trade Offers if you wish to allow Trades to be included in offers. If you do not enable Offers, only the 'Buy Now' button will appear on your Listing.
Trade: Trades automatically have both Offers and Trade Offers options enabled. If you do not want both of these options, then a Trade listing is probably not the right Listing Type.
Want to Buy: Want to Buy listings have Offers automatically enabled. This allows users to send you offers for what they have to buy. If you want to include items that you have to trade for what you are looking to buy, then it is a good idea to enable Trade Offers so users have a specific place to enter what items of yours they are interested in trading.
Responding to Offers
When an offer is submitted on one of your listings, the 'Offers' Inbox icon for that listing will be highlighted, and the number of Offers will be displayed as a tooltip on that icon. Each Offer has three options, Accept, Decline, and Send Message. Accepting an Offer will open a new Trasaction based on that Offer. Declining the Offer will close that offer and notify the sender that you have declined. The Message option will redirect you to the new Private Message page to contact the offer sender.
Making Offers
Any Listing that has Offers Enabled will be shown as such on both the Marketplace List and in the Marketplace Item view page. The view page will also include the Make Offer button that will launch the Offer Dialog. If the Listing has Trade Offers enabled, then the Offer Dialog will include a place to include Trade details, otherwise only the offer amount and Comments boxes will be shown.
Creating a Transaction
Transactions are created in one of two ways. Either a user chooses to Buy Now an item that you have posted For Sale, or you accept an Offer that a user has submitted on one of your Listings.
A Trasaction is Required to be created and Completed before Feedback will be included in either Users's Feedback ratings.
Completing a Transaction
The Selling Party is responsible for updating the Status of the Transaction. Once a Transaction is Open both parties are able to leave Feedback for each other, but only after it is Completed will the Feedback count towards either parties totals.
Canceling a Transaction
If a Transaction can not be completed and needs to be Canceled, editing the Listing's Status to either 'Active' or 'Canceled - Closed' will enable the option to close All Open Transactions (single item Listings only).
- Single Transaction Cancel is under development (11/2011)
Leaving Feedback
Feedback can be left on a Transaction after the Selling Party has updated the Transaction Status from Pending to Open. The Feedback Icon for the Transaction will change to the Leave Feedback Icon once this occurs.
Note: At this time, Feedback can not be updated, changed, or deleted without contacting the Admin. Be sure if your rating and comments before submitting feedback.
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