Help, FAQ & About
Copyright Policy
Contact Us - About Us(click to expand) website was started in the summer of 2007 as a way for the owner, Jon Fischer, to give back to the vintage cycling community. As a wiki style project, site members can add, edit, comment and vote on vintage cycling components, bicycles and frames, head badges, tools and much more.
The goal of the website is to provide a comprehensive database of vintage cycling knowledge for reference during everything from restorations to general maintenance to researching the cycling parts of the past. The parts shown in the VeloBase collection are not for sale through this site. Many of the parts were found through ebay auctions, one of the best sources for finding vintage parts for sale. We have a generally accepted age cut off of 15 years old, so approx the mid 1990's. We currently have parts ranging in date from the 1920's through the 1990's. There are also a number of tools such as the Gear Calculator which can be applied to any bicycle of any age. This website and the project is always growing, evolving, and hopefully getting better. I encourage you to visit the forum and share any ideas or suggestions you may have.
Technology Brief is a ASP.NET 2.0 website developed under Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and now Visual studio 2008, utilizing a SQL 2005 back end for data storage. The software was designed with an emphasis on ease of expanding and adapting the site, as well as User Interface (UI) simplicity. While there are other web development techologies to choose from, I decided on ASP.NET for its balance rapid development time, robust built in development tools and end user performance. I have started utilizing both AJAX web controls and the jQuery javascript library to further improve the user's end experience and over all site functionality. This site has a dual purpose of not only providing a site for the Vintage Cycling community but also aiding in the further development of my professional development skills. I have a double major Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas at Dallas in Computer Science and Software Engineering, and have completed a majority of course work towards a Master's degree in Software Engineering.
Announcements(click to expand)
Frequently Asked Questions
Roles and Permissions
How does the Point System and User Roles Work?
What is the Vintage Quiz and what does it do?
MyBase - User Account & Profile
How do recover a lost username or password?
How do I make changes to my user account?
How do I add and remove items from my Watch List?
How is the User Content Counts and Recent Content list calculated?
What are the RSS Feeds avaliable from VeloBase?
Adding and Managing Content to
VeloBase Data Disclaimer
Are any of the items on for sale?
Who's Photos can I upload to
How do I add new Components to the Database?
How do I edit existing Components?
Why can't I edit some fields for an existing Component?
How do I use the VeloBase Photo Manager?
How do I Resize Photos before Uploading?
How do I add to the Bicycles & Frames Collection?
How do I add Tools or Head Badges to
How do I add other Content to
How do I report a problem listing or delete an error I submitted? Marketplace
Why can't I post to the Marketplace?
What type of Listing (For Sale, Trade, Want to Buy) should I post?
How do I cancel or renew a Listing that I have posted?
Offers and Trade Offers
Transaction Management
User Feedback
Sponsors and Sponsorship
Who are the current Sponsors for
I would like more information on how to become a sponsor or donate to
Don't see the solution to your problem?
Feel free to contact us with problems or suggestions: Send Admin Email
Points & User Roles
The Points System utilizes a unique point based system to help ensure the integrity and quality of the data within its pages. The reason for this is two fold, first to prevent SPAM and other unwanted posts, but also to ensure that users become fimilar with the VeloBase website before being able to make changes to existing information. New members are not immediately given full rein to add and edit content on the website and are limited in what they can add and modify. As points are accumulated by adding content users are automatically granted new permissions to add and edit additional content types. This system, along with the 'Report' buttons on individual items and comment will provide the controls to ensure quality information at

Registed members can check how many points are needed for the next permissions upgrade by viewing the Profile section of the MyBase page. See the details below on how to gain points by adding content to the website.
User Roles
VeloBase UserThis is the Default Role for new members. Users can access the MyBase Profile page, add to their Watched items list, save searches to their saved search list, receieve and respond to PMs from members, post in the forum, as well as leave comments on items and report problems. Users can take the "I'm Vintage" quiz to accelerate their advancement to the 'Vintage User' Role Permissions which will allow them to add new content to the website. The Vintage Quiz can be accessed through the link on the MyBase page.
Vintage UserOnce a user has been a member of for at least 5 days and earned least 1 Point by adding Comments or through completing the Vintage Quiz. As a Vintage User members can now add new components, update empty fields of existing components, submit Frame Models and Frame Examples to the Frames collection (which are added after Admin review), edit Brands, Add to the Tool, Jerseys or Head Badge collections, and add to the Links and Glossary entries. They can also send new PMs to members.
Certified VintageThis is the Highest Level of User Role at To become a Certified Vintage User a member must have at least 15 points and be a member for at least 30 days.
Certified Vintage users have full permissions to add and edit content most throughout the site which has not been designated as Admin Update only. Frame Models and Frame Examples do not have to go through the Admin approval process and show up immediately in the Frames List. They can add additional options to the drop down, checkbox, and radio button fields when adding new content. Only Certified Vintage Users can add content to the Frame Parts list.
AdministratorMember and website owner JFischer is currently the only Admin at You can contact me through the email link at the bottom of every page, or through the 'Contact Us' link above.
Summary of how Points Awarded
Nearly every submission to the website will earn members points toward their next upgrade in permissions. New users earn points through making comments on items, taking the 'I'm Vintage' quiz, submitting Rarity and Quality votes on components. Vintage Users have a much wider number of ways to earn points towards becoming a Certified Vintage level user.
"I'm Vintage" QuizNew members can gain 5 points by taking the "I'm Vintage" quiz accessed through the link at the top-right of the MyBase page (Next to Messages, Search History, Edit etc). This is a way for new members to upgrade quickly, but keep the spammers at bay. The quiz consists of 5 questions related to vintage cycling knowledge such as Eddy Merckx's nickname, and the common name given to the first generation Shimano 105 group, or the country of origin for common cycling brands. Answering 4 out of 5 correctly passes, however multiple failures can get a member locked out temporarly.
Leave CommentsEach Comment that you leave about a Component gains you 0.5 points. Please do not abuse the Comment feature to gain points, the Admin does review comments from new users and all members can report comments for admin review.
Quality & RarityAll members (and even non-members!) can submit a vote on the Quality & Rarity of a component. While only .1 points are given per component voted on, with well over 3000 components in the collection the points can add up quickly.
New Component ListingsVintage Users members gain 1.0 point for each new Component added to the VeloBase database. Please be careful not to add duplicate entries when submitting new items. See the information below regarding how to add Components to the VeloBase collection.
Update Component ListingsWhen members update a component in the VeloBase Database, they can gain 0.5 points. Only exception is if the component was recently added by the same member.
New Frame Model
or Frame Example
Vintage Users and Certified Vintage members gain 1.0 point for each new Frame Model and/or Frame Example added to the VeloBase database. Please be careful not to add duplicate entries when submitting new items. See the information below regarding how to add Frame Models & Examples to the VeloBase collection. Note that adding a serial number and/or Frame Build will earn additional points.
Update Frame Models
or Examples
When members update frames in the VeloBase Database, they can gain 0.5 points. Only exception is if the component was recently added by the same member.
Adding & Updating BrandsVingage Users gain 0.50 points for each new Brand added to VeloBase. 0.25 points are awarded every time the Brand Listing is updated with additional information. Adding enough Historical Information about a brand will promote that Brand's History Article to the Article listing.
Adding & Updating
Component or Frame Groups
Component Groups (or Gruppo) is a cycling term defined as a set of components designed to work together and are most often have a single name for the collection of items. Similarly, frames of similar type are often grouped in a set by builders. When members add or edit a Group they are awared points.
New Glossary TermOnce a Vintage User, members gain 0.25 points for each new Glossary Term Added or Edited.
New Additional Resource LinksOnce a Vintage User, members gain 0.25 points for each new Additional Resource Link you add to the VeloBase database.
Add or Edit Head BadgesVintage Users gain 0.50 points for each new Head Badge that you add to the VeloBase Head Badge Gallery. Updating an existing Head Badge will earn .25 points.
Add or Edit Vintage Tools,
Jerseys, Frame Parts
Like Head Badges, members gain 0.5 points for each new item in these collections that are added to Database. Updating them will earn .25 points. Note that only Certified Vintage users can add Frame Parts.
Other is ever expanding and adding new types of content which can be added to and updated by it's users. Catalog links and Shifting System information are just two of the other types of content which can earn users points.
"I'm Vintage" Quiz Details
Newly Registered Users have relatively limited permissions on One way for these new members to accelerate their promotion to a user role level where they can add content including new components and add missing information to existing content, the "I'm Vintage" quiz has been added to The quiz is made up of 5 randomly selected questions, most of them should be fairly easy to answer by anyone who has spent any significant time around vintage bicycles. Users have 2 hours to complete the quiz, and can browse away from the Quiz page and return to it within the 2 hour time limit to complete the questions. The idea here is to keep individuals who may want to post unwanted content from doing so, while allowing knowledgable individuals who want to start adding and sharing information on a chance to do so within a few days of becoming a member of the website.
MyBase - User Account & Profile
Forgotten Username or Passwords
If you have forgotten your username, please use the contact the admin through the email address which you used to sign up for your account. If you no longer have access to that email address, please include the email address when you contact the admin so that your account information can be looked up in the system.

If you have forgotten your password, there is a password reset option on the Log-In page. You will need to supply your username and the answer to the security question you gave when you signed up for your account. The admin can not look up your current password, they are one-way encrypted in the database and can not be retreived directly. The Admin can help in resetting your password if you have forgotten your security question, however the new password must be sent to the email address that is associated with your account.
Update User Profile and Account
Your user account options, user profile information as well as changes to your password, email address and other options are accessed through the 'Edit Account' button in the upper right hand side of the MyBase page. You can also set a specific color scheme, background image set which will be displayed when you visit the website. Options to disable email announcements or the Private Message system can also be found here.
Component Watch List
Registered members have access to the MyBase Watch List. This section provides a quick link back to any component listing that you want to keep track of or otherwise find quickly. You can add listings to your Watch List by clicking on the 'Watch' link at the top of the Component View page. Once added the Component will appear in your Watch List along with the Component Category and Last Updated date. If you wish to remove the component from your watch list, you can either click the 'Remove Watch' button at the top of the Component View page, or click the red X in the watch list itself.
Submission Totals and Recent List
The MyBase Profile Section shows a count of how many submissions of different types you have made to the website. The Count is incrimented each time you submit an addition or edit, and is not reduced if the listing is deleted or later edited by someone else.

The MyContent Lists page shows a list of all of the content you have either added or were the most recent person to edit. It is important to note that if someone else later edits a listing it will now longer show up in the Updated Listing. - Data Disclaimer
All Data and Information on has been provided by members of the website to the best of their knowledge. While we always strive to provide the most accurate information possible, it should be used for reference purposes only. VeloBase can not be held accountable for incorrect or incomplete information. There are several processes in place to help maintain the highest possible level of data accuracy. Additionally, none of the items listed on should be considered For Sale, nor should it be used as a classifieds site. Any incorrect information should be reported to the Admin via the Report button on the view page, or preferrably edited by those with permissions to do so. If you are not a member and wish to report incorrect information or other problems with the content of this website, please use the Contact Us page to email the Admin. All issues will be resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you.
How to Add a new Component
Required RoleVintage User
Where to Start 1) "Add/Edit Components" menu item in the Left-Hand Navigation Menu.
2) "Add Variation" menu item under an existing component's Option Menu. (Proceed to Step 3 information)
Process Steps
Step 1Select the Category, Brand, Model (optional), and Group (optional)
Step 2Review the List of Components displayed. If the component you are adding is the same or similar to one listed click the link to that component to determine if it is the same or if you can add a Variation from that item, otherwise click 'Next'
Step 2bIf you selected a similar listing in step 2, click the 'Add Variation' link at the top of the listing to proceed.
Step 3Fill in Detailed Information for the new Component. The more information you are able to fill in the more useful the listing will be for visitors to the website. Edit the Listing Name field as needed if the auto-generated one is not fitting or too generic. You can use the 'Additional Information' text area to include any other information not covered by the individual attribute fields.
Step 4 Adding of Photos to new Components is handled by the Photo Manager. Up to 8 photos to added to the listing by uploading new photos or add photos from similar items. You can drag-drop photos to reorder them, and new photos can be cropped to include only the part of the photo which includes the new component. Please limit the size of the uploads to 250k, however the system will automaically resize the image as needed. More details about the Photo Manager can be found below in the Edit Component section.
Notes & Tips
Component Names VeloBase will automatically generate a Component Name based from the Brand, Model and Group information entered in step 1. Please try to make the name useful and meaningful if the auto-generated name is not sufficient. This is important for Frame Builds and distinguishing between Variations.
Component Groups Groups or Gruppos, is the concept of multiple parts from the same brand (or a partnership of brands) which are designed to work together. Before adding a new Group, consider if the item is truly part of a group, or just named similar to other components by the same brand. If the model number is the same as the group, this may be a clue that perhaps it is not actually a group name.
Resizing Photos Photo Uploads are limited to approx 250k per Image. A 800x600 image is well below this size, however most digital cameras default to much higher resolutions.
I use this program to resize my images in bulk: Easy Thumbnails
Editing a Component
Required RoleVintage User
Edit or ReportIf the Photo (or Listing) is Offensive, Inappropriate, SPAM, etc: Please use the Report button instead of the Photo Manager. Using the Report Button alerts the Admins to the problem and any additional action needed can be taken.
Where to StartThe Edit and Photo Manager menu items are under the Options menu at the top right of each Component's View page, next to the Report button.
Note: If you do not see the Menu Items under Options, and are using IE8, reset your Compatibility Mode setting by clicking the Compatibiility Mode button next to the address bar in your browser twice (slowly) to toggle the mode off and then back on.
Editing Information
Edit Screen The Edit screen is almost identical to the Add screen. Depending on your role level, on this screen you can add new information and/or change information that is not correct.
Permissions If the field is grayed out, then you do not have the needed permissions to make changes to that field. Only Users who are 'Certified Vintage' can make changes to all fields of a component listing that they did not add to the system. If you added the component to the system, you should be able to go back and make any changes needed.
Editing PhotosEditing Photos is now handed by the Photo Manager page. See below on details about this feature.
Photo Manager
Re-Ordering PhotosThe first feature to the Photo Manager is the ability to change the order of existing photos. To change the order of the Photos, click on the photo you want to reorder and drag & drop it into the new location you wish to place it. Once changes are complete, press 'Finished' to finalize the changes.
Remove PhotosIf there is an incorrect photo, or photo of low quality needs to be removed from the listing, simply press the 'Remove' icon (Red X) for that photo. This will move the photo out of the Current Photos collection to the Avaliable Photos collection. Photos will automatically be deleted from the Avalilable Photos collection after several months.
Add New PhotosClick on the 'Add Photos' button at the top right of the Current Photos section. This will open the Upload dialog. Click on Browse and select one or more photos to upload. Set the Source information for those photos (all photos will be set to the same source), and then Upload the photos. When all photos are finished uploading, click the Finished button.
Selecting Avaliable PhotosPhotos for this Component, or Variations of this Component, are listed in the lower two sections. If you want to add one of these Photos to the Listing, simply click the 'Add' icon for the photo(s). When finished with all changes, click Finished to submit the changes.
Photo Source If the Source of a photo that you uploaded is incorrect, you can change it by clicking on the Image Source icon and selecting a new source from the options. Note: These changes take effect immediately upon submitting the Edit Image Source dialog.
Frame Models & Frame Examples
Required Role Certified Vintage (immediately added to collection) Vintage User (added after Admin review)
Overview The Bicycles & Frames collection is a multi-part hierarchy system. At the top is the Frame Model, representing a single designation of frame which may have been made in multiple configurations over multiple years with minor differences. Consider the Peugoet PX-10 or Raleigh Competition and all of the variations between them over the years.

Under Frame Model is the Frame Example. This is a much more specific representation of a single frame, or a group of very similar frames with only size or color differences. Each Frame Example can also have one or more Frame Builds, which is a compliment of components which when assembled make up a complete bicycle. The Frame Model & Frame Example add / edit pages themselves have additional information regarding each step in the process of adding and editing Frame Models and Frame Examples.
Where to Start New Frame Models are added from the Add Frame Items -> New Bicycle / Frame menu item in the Navigation Menu.
Frame Examples are added either at the end of the new Frame Model process, or from a Frame Model's Options menu.
Add / Edit Other Content
Brand Details The Brand Overview has space for the Primary types of items produced (Focus), Country, Year the Company Opened (and Closed), as well as General Information about the Brand and a History of the Brand. Once the History of the Brand is of sufficent size it will appear in the Articles section of the website. The Brand Overview page can be accessed from the Brand Directory, as well as by clicking on the Brand name on a Complete, Head Badge, Frame or other collection's item general information.
Head Badge GalleryThe Head Badge Gallery Add process is now split into multiple pages similar to the Component Add process. The first section you add general information about the head badge that you want to add. After submitting this information the second page may show you a number of similar badges in the database if any exist. If any are shown, please be sure that the badge you are trying to add does not already exist in the system before adding another one. If the badge does not exist, add general information and a photo and submit.
Tool DatabaseThe Vintage Tool Database catalogs vintage tools, and tools needed to work on vintage bicycles and components (including frame pumps). It is split into a two page process similar to Head Badges, however does not have the added check to look for similar items. Please search the existing items before adding a new Tool to prevent duplicate entries. Click on the "Add Tool" link at the top right of the Tool listing to add a new tool to the database.
Team Jersey DatabaseTeam Jerseys are added via the 'Add Jersey' button at the top right of the Jersey List page. Fields include Name, Team, Material, Years used, Country, and an optional Brand Association field. Brand Association is useful if the team was sponsored by a cycling related company such as Colnago which exists in VeloBase.
Frame Parts DatabaseThe Frame Parts Database holds information about the materials which make up a bicycle frame. Tubing, Lugs, Dropouts & Fork Ends, etc are shown here. You must be a Certified Vintage User to add and edit listings in this section, however anyone can comment on them.
GlossaryThere is a Link to Add Glossary on the Glossary Index. First Search for the Glossary Term you want to add, then add the information related to that term in the box below. If the Term you search for already exists, the information will be loaded into the Text Box for you to add or edit.
Additional Resources and LinksThere is a Link to Add Resource link at the top of the Additional Resource Links page. Fill out the information requested by the page and submit the page. You will be taken to the Additional Resource page which should now include your new information.
Catalog ScansCatalogs already scanned into an electronic form can be emailed to me at the email address at the bottom of this page. If they are very large files, please contact me ahead of time so we might be able to arrange an easier arrangement. If a Calalog is hosted on another website, Certified Vintage users can create a link in the Catalog Scans list to that location.
ArticlesIf you have an article of your own work that you wish to submit for publication on, please email it to me for review and posting. I am interested in posting well researched information from every topic in Vintage Cycling. Restoration, History, Serial Number Analysis and anything else interesting and useful.
Tools & ChartsIf you have useful reference information that is not covered in this section, or by individual component listings, email it to the me (email address link at bottom of page) and I will get it formatted and added to this page.
RSS Feed List
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. An RSS document, which is called a "feed," "web feed," or "channel," contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually. More RSS Information Here. At I have set up a number of RSS Feeds to track updates to various areas of the website. The complete list can be seen below:
RSSRecently Added or Updated Components.
RSSRecently Added or Updated Bicycles and Frames (Frame Models & Examples)
RSSPosts from the Site Admin in the News & Announcements section of the VeloBase Forum. Group on Facebook - updates, items of interest and more.
Connect with the Owner & Developer, Jon Fischer, on LinkedIn
Report Buttons
The Report Button on Component Listings, Comments, Tools, Head Badges, Glossary and Links are there to alert and/or remove problematic content. To Report a Component or Image, use the 'Report' link at the top right of the View Component page. Comments have a Report link on the left side of each comment under the User Name and Post Date. Additional Details about the Report reasons are listed on the Report page. If you added the Comment or Listing you will either see an Edit or Delete link instead of the Report link. Please use these buttons to remove or edit the problem. & eBay seller Agreements
Please remember that photos, even those uploaded elsewhere in the internet, are still covered by copyright law. As such, all photos uploaded to VeloBase should either be of your own creation, or have been given permission for use on this website by the owner of the photo.

One of the primary sources of new vintage cycling component photos is eBay. However the listings only remain on ebay for a short time before the photos and listings disappear all together. has contacted many eBay sellers who sell a large number of vintage cycling components to get permission to use the photos and information from their auctions. We appreciate their help in continuing to expand the collection of data here on

Below is a partial list of those eBay sellers who have given their approval to use their photos, specifically those who run eBay stores and other high volume sellers. typicall only uses their photos after auctions have been completed and they are no longer in need of the photo for their own uses. The Complete list can be found either on the Copyright Policy or Ebay Seller List pages.

If you are an eBay seller who wishes to be added to the list of individuals and shops who have given their approval to use photos from completed auctions, please use the 'Contact Us' link above.

 *bws* 2009elswick acajoe1959 adelphi368
 adventurer90 al_van_varick alphabicyclecompany alteschule51
 anttion bayitnowuk bbbainbridge bbcbikes
 bcd110 benotto69 bicisteve77 Bicyclebryce
 bicycleclassics bicycledreamer bicyclists_retreat bicyclz
 bikebeyond bikedealnederland bikesapart brev._gabriel
 bushpig.vrc buttecrk1968 campagnolosr capt.rock
 casanova9898 coffeeride Cputman5678 cv-6enterprises
 cyclekarma danny7147 defietsenmaker-nl druxs_shop
 ekv-cate elmermaple erik56fox faustobeer
 Felnzo fietsenfrans fuzzeymateo galibier95
 gianni7441 gorgolo286 gorospil granfondo05
 hello_cycle indarc jamesb3791 jamesr305
 jbsteven jeff306bikes joeeramone kia4000
 killersnacko klaas_vaak_123 kranz legendarymen2010
 lotushel manousse83 matt1400g3 mgtsbike
 mihou muzpuf norbikes ora65
 pacebicyclehaven pb*bikes phil_the_power_taylor pnr10
 radmaenner randyjawa raydobbins re.bicycle
 revelocycles rhclassics robertociclismo rocvale
 rudytrek rusty8857 sblackstone sceno234
 senditnow sidemonkey speedbicyclescom spikesbikes22vrb0247
 starfish-n-coffee starwc8x04 stembic stronglight69
 surplusruss thebikestand torpado1 velo-ideale
 velosite811 vignet88 vintagebikecave vintageparts_1978
 xyrion-bikeshop zairebunia  

Selle San Marco
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