Michelin Elan
Main Photo
Category:  Tires
Name:  Michelin Elan
Brand:  Michelin
Model:  Elan
Years:  1975 - ?
Country:  France
Added By: Wolfram Verktyg on 07/30/09
Updated By: peterbman on 06/18/17
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Michelin ElanMichelin Elan
Label MarkingsMICHELIN ELAN and the size 25-622 (700c) or 25-630 (27")Tire TypeClincher
Sizes27"; 700cMax PSI Rated to 100 PSI but frequently blew out the casing above 90 PSI
Sidewall TypeVulcanized gum rubberDesigned Use 
General Information
The problem with Michelin Elan tires is they had a casing made out of a nylon hairnet like material with very thick gum rubber sidewalls. The tires frequently blew out where the sidewall joined the tread especially if they were inflated over 90 PSI.

Elans were available in 700 x 20c and 27" x 1" sizes. At that time size 700c wheels hadn't caught on in the US yet so more bikes came with Elans in the 27" size. The size 700c tires where closer to 700 x 18c or 700 x 19c while the 27" versions were about 3/4" instead of 1".

Wolber introduced the "W20" 700 x 20c tires with casings made of fine pitch "long staple Egyptian cotton" threads. These tires were lighter and much stronger than the Elans and the rest is history.

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Brand Information(click to expand)
 Michelin was incorporated in 1888, and was awarded its first patent for a removable pneumatic tire in 1891.  Cyclist Charles Terront used this new removable tire that same year in his win at Paris-Brest-Paris.
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