Soyo 45
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Category:  Tires
Name:  Soyo 45
Brand:  Soyo
Model:  45
Years:  1970's - 1980's
Country:  Japan
Weight:  185 grams (Actual)
Added By: steveinjava on 08/27/08
Updated By: JFischer on 07/16/11
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Soyo 45Soyo 45
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Label MarkingsSoyo Racing 45 tyreTire TypeTubular
Sizes700c x 23Max PSI 
Sidewall TypeDesigned Use 
General Information
Not certain of weight but around 160 grams I would estimate. They were 20mm.
Bald tread- so bald the treads were shiny- you could almost shave in them & it was a pity to ride them and roughen it.
They lasted well as the extra ounce of tread over the 40a was worth maybe 300 more miles of racing.
The white sidewall was also beautiful although it got dirty.
If you never used a Soyo 45 you never lived!
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Brand Information(click to expand)
Japanese manufacturer who sold a lot of track tubs for the popular keirin races in Japan. They were cheap and fairly true. There worst feature was the very hard treads which were not good in the dry but much worse than that in the wet!
They also produced cyclo cross tubs with tractor treads and standard road race models although it was the track ones the UK saw.
A mail order concern called "Sprint Tubs" based in the Wirral seemed to be the main seller- advertising in the back of Cycling through the 80's.
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