Middlemore B89N
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Category:  Saddles
Name:  Middlemore B89N
Brand:  Middlemore
Model:  B89N
Years:  1961 - 1991
Country:  England
Added By: recycle1 on 10/18/12
Updated By: recycle1 on 10/18/12
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Middlemore B89NMiddlemore B89NMiddlemore B89NMiddlemore B89NMiddlemore B89NMiddlemore B89N
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Base Material Covering Material Leather
Rail MaterialSteelWidth
LengthRail Spacing 42mm ctr-to-ctr (standard spacing)
General Information
In 1896 the Birmingham firms of William Middlemore and Lamplugh & Co joined to become Middlemore and Lamplugh, they bought a Coventry premises to produce saddles. By 1920 they were known as Middlemores (Coventry) Ltd. The B89N shown had a nosepiece that was granted a patent in 1961. A variant, I believe to be a second type, had less of the leather cut away and a thin plastic lining rather than the lining here which maybe real leather, reconstituted leather or fibreboard. This liner also has traces of silver paint where someone had sprayed it. Maybe the new shape was to stand out from other companies' similar saddles. This company's saddles were 'Middlemore' on the rear badges and 'Middlemores' on the side stamps. The company ceased trading in 1991.
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