BIM 39
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Category:  Saddles
Name:  BIM 39
Brand:  Tron & Berthet
Model:  BIM 39
Years:  N/A
Country:  France
Added By: qd-s on 03/30/12
Updated By: peterbman on 03/07/18
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BIM 39BIM 39BIM 39BIM 39BIM 39BIM 39
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Base Material Covering Material Leather
Rail MaterialSteelWidth148 mm
Length265 mmRail Spacing 42mm ctr-to-ctr (standard spacing)
General Information
Saddle is very similar to IDEALE 80 Record, apparently something of a "low budget" version of the latter. Same shape, identical length and width and even both punched holes on the top are in identical position. Leather is 4.7 mm thick (IDEALE 80 Record: > 5 mm)

Also embossings in the sides of leather are similar to IDEALE: "T B" = Tron & Berthet = IDEALE manufacturer.
From an Ebay-seller of NOS BIM saddles I got the information that these are IDEALEs, indeed, late-stage production before closure of company. So saddle probably from the early 80s (7-1980? see stamping underneath "80 - 7")

Black enameled steel rails and cantle plate (no stamping here), tiny 9 mm steel rivets (IDEALE 80 Record: 10 mm).

Two components of front adjuster mechanism (bracket plus tensioning bolt) were missing and have been added by me, these are non-original parts. The foremost riveted steel adjustment stop is original.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
Tron & Berthet made saddles branded Ideale, BIM, and Norex.

Katia Dayde: "BIM was a sub-brand of Tron & Berthet, as Norex. The family Berthet told us that for BIM it was a way of selling lowest quality leathers. Norex was dedicated to North Europe market as Mme Berthet came from Belgium, they developed some specific models for this market."
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