Miche (by Suntour)
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Category:  Front Derailleurs
Name:  Miche (by Suntour)
Brand:  Miche
Years:  Late 1980's - Early 1990's
Country:  Italy
Weight:  109 grams (Actual)
Added By: fxv on 09/10/10
Updated By: fxv on 09/10/10
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Miche (by Suntour)Miche (by Suntour)
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# Rings Designed For DoubleOuter Plate Markings
Inner Plate MarkingsClamp Markings
Inner Clamp MarkingsDesign CategoryParallelogram
Pivot Arm MarkingsMichePlate MaterialChrome plated steel
Clamp StyleBraze-on TabCable Attachment Bolt5mm Allen Key
CableStop NoClamp Bolt Type4mm Allen Key
Max Ring Difference   
General Information
Almost certainly made by SunTour for Miche, this front derailleur has the same design as many of the mid to upper end SunTour derailleurs made in the later 80's such as the Superbe and Cyclone series.
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Brand Information(click to expand)
Miche is a historic Italian bicycle component manufacturer. Miche started in 1936, when Ferdinando Michelin changed his business from being a bicycle manufacturer (started in 1909) to a company that specializes in development of components.

Wayne Bingham, 2017: "I talked with some people at Miche. I was told by Miche that they have, since their earliest days, made their own hubs, cranks, BBs, chainrings, cogs, seatposts, headsets (many of which used the same roller bearings used in Stronglight headsets) and some other items. They never made bearings, derailleurs, shifters, etc., and still don't. They stopped selling headsets when they stopped production of their last 1" threaded and unthreaded roller bearing headsets."
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