Miche Leader
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Category:  Cranksets
Name:  Miche Leader
Brand:  Miche
Primary Group:  Leader
Years:  N/A
Country:  Italy
Added By: JFischer on 11/30/09
Updated By: JFischer on 08/08/10
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Miche LeaderMiche LeaderMiche Leader
Chainring CountDoubleBCD 144mm
BB StyleSquare TaperPedal Threads14mm x 1.25mm (French)
BB Length Flutes None
Lengths 170Arm/Spider MaterialAluminum Alloy
Front MarkingsMiche Made in ItalyBack Markings
Extractor Threading 22x1mm (Standard)  
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Brand Information(click to expand)
Miche is a historic Italian bicycle component manufacturer. Miche started in 1936, when Ferdinando Michelin changed his business from being a bicycle manufacturer (started in 1909) to a company that specializes in development of components.

Wayne Bingham, 2017: "I talked with some people at Miche. I was told by Miche that they have, since their earliest days, made their own hubs, cranks, BBs, chainrings, cogs, seatposts, headsets (many of which used the same roller bearings used in Stronglight headsets) and some other items. They never made bearings, derailleurs, shifters, etc., and still don't. They stopped selling headsets when they stopped production of their last 1" threaded and unthreaded roller bearing headsets."
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