Galli Aerodynamic KL
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Category:  Brake Levers
Name:  Galli Aerodynamic KL
Brand:  Galli
Primary Group:  Aerodynamic KL
Years:  N/A
Country:  Italy
Weight:  201 grams
Added By: JFischer on 11/29/07
Updated By: RaviPrem1990 on 11/25/18
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Galli Aerodynamic KLGalli Aerodynamic KLGalli Aerodynamic KLGalli Aerodynamic KLGalli Aerodynamic KLGalli Aerodynamic KLGalli Aerodynamic KLGalli Aerodynamic KL
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StyleAeroReturn Spring No
Quick Release NoCable AdjusterNo
Lever Material AluminumLever MarkingsGALLI
Body Material Hood/Body Markings
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General Information
Paired with the Galli aero brakes.

Brake levers/sets available either with time trail levers (cable routing inside bars) or road levers.

Brakeset complete w/TT levers - PART NO. GA KLB

Brakeset complete w/road levers - PART NO. GA KLB-R
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Component Groups
Primary Group NameBrandQuick InfoBrowse Group Components
Aerodynamic KLGalliRoad RaceView 7 Components
Details:  From Galli publication on the Aerodynamic KL group:  group was designed with the aid of ultra-sophisticated aerodynamic testing facilities of Fiat Automotive in Turin Italy.  Available in Silver, Gold, Midnight Blue and Black.  Included a Maillard 700 freewheel (6sp) and Sidisport Deluxe anodized chain (gold), and 3TTT seatpost.
Brand Information(click to expand)

 Dates are approximate.  We know they closed their doors in the late 80's, and the catalog information below states that they had been open for a half century when it was written, so the mid 30's would be close.

The Galli Aerodynamic KL and Criterium groups were available in Gold, Silver, Dark Blue and Black!  Most of those shown are of the black and silver varieties.

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